Friday, August 8, 2014

Ganbatte, ne?

I'm leaving for Japan in a few hours. My life has been a real up and down roller coaster for the past few months, so I'm honestly having trouble identifying how I'm feeling at all these days. 

I am, of course, excited for a new adventure. I love adventure! But I lost from my life someone I thought would be there forever just a few days ago. I've lost this person before, but this feels different. It feels like forever, and I am struggling come to terms with that. Some days have been better than others, but today has been particularly hard. I think this is because I know I'm leaving, and when I come back it's all going to have changed forever. It's like really saying goodbye for the last time and I am mourning deeply.

But I suppose this is as good a time as any to set sail to parts unknown and throw myself into everything the world has to offer. I am ready to spend some quality time with Coston, ready to learn enough Vietnamese to get by, ready to climb Mt. Fuji on my own and see the sunrise over Japan, and ready for whatever surprises may be in store. Like Stephen Hawking says in The Theory of Everything trailer: "However bad life may seem, where there is life, there is hope." Cheesy maybe, but I cried when he said it. 'Course I cry at everything these days.

So onwards and upwards for me. Tonight I'll be in Toronto, and tomorrow I'll land in Tokyo. I'm not sure about the internet situation, but I'll do my best to keep writing and have interesting things to say.

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